Amateur Radio License Map
I'm still here even though I haven't posted anything for a very long time. :)
I hope to get back to some QRP construction soon.
Here's a little web project I've been fiddling with on and off over the last year or so.
It's mostly a blog where I share things about amateur radio and occasionally other things. I haven't written anything here for a while but the following articles still get significant hits.
An Arduino based DDS-60 controller
Ross KT1F
I'm still here even though I haven't posted anything for a very long time. :)
I hope to get back to some QRP construction soon.
Here's a little web project I've been fiddling with on and off over the last year or so.
I have migrated this site from Drupal 6 to Drupal 8. I'm not much of a themer so, as you can see, the theme is just Bartik with a slightly custom header. Yes, I know the colors are not quite around the ladder line at the top but it's all I can do for now :)
For anyone interested, I followed these instructions. It went smoothly except for a small issue related to comments.
In Part one I described the challenge of creating a view which displays a list of Articles (nodes) which have a multi-value reference field pointing to one or more Writers / Authors (users). We want each article to be listed only once regardless of how many writers it has and we want several fields from the related writers displayed below the article title etc.
I know this is supposed to be a ham radio blog but I'm going to switch channels to Drupal for a moment.
I'd like to share my solution to a problem which I've encountered several times. Specifically, it is how to have more than one author for an article and display a list of articles using Views which shows the authors for each article in a natural way. More generally its a technique to merge the output of two views into one where there is a one to many or parent to child type relationship.
The doublet antenna with ladder line as described here has been working well but I always felt a little uncomfortable because I knew that there was a problem which I hadn't faced up to. It was kind of cool to have the ladder line coming into the attic where I had a balun and automatic tuner and then coax to the shack in the basement but it had no lightning protection and no practical way of protecting it. So... I have made some changes.
We're back in the old QTH of Wilton, New Hampshire.
Of course the first ham project here has been to get an HF antenna up. I've put up the same multiband doublet I had at Mont Vernon. It's a classic doublet which is a half wavelength long on 80 meters fed in the center with ladder line.
Hi everyone.
No updates for a while. We're getting ready to move house so I've been busy with lots of things around that.
Thanks to those who have emailed me reporting that they've built the Arduino DDS-60 controller.
I've been learning how to program with Microsoft Silverlight. I thought that a nice exercise would be to implement a callsign lookup application. Well... here it is!
I decided that it was time to get a shorter callsign so it's goodbye to KB1KGA and hello to ...
I finally got my act together and built a transceiver. It's for 40 meters CW and has about 4 watts output. Some of the details may be of interest to other homebrew experimenters.